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English Consort Series for Viols

Drawn from the repertoire of the English Consort of Viols.
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The Arundel Choirbook

Arundel Choirbook

Only three English choirbooks have survived intact from the early Tudor Period.
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Vocal music Music

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Composer & Title Price (£)
Hildegard Hildegard von Bingen
Symphnonia armonie celestium revelationem
Volume V1: Chants for Virgins, Widows and Innocents, vocal score edited and translated by Marianne Richert Pfau (vocal score)

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Price: £15.00
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Hildegard Hildegard von Bingen
Symphonia armonie celestium revelationum
Volume V111: Chants for Ecclesia, vocal score edited and translated by Marianne Richert Pfau (vocal score)

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Price: £15.00
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Hildegard Hildegard von Bingen
Symphnonia armonie celestium revelationum
Volume V: Chants for Patron Saints, vocal score edited and translated Marianne Richert Pfau (vocal score)

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Price: £35.00
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Hildegard  Hildegard von Bingen
Ordo Virtutem
vocal score in Latin with English translations given, edited Audrey Ekdahl Davidson (vocal score)

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Price: £32.00
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Stefan Klockner
in hymnis et canticis
collection of 109 Gregorian chants in plainsong (vocal score)

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Price: £14.50
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